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bus motor home - radiator tanks and parts - Washer Bars & Brackets - gillig bus

DRC# Core Dim's & Connections Comments
BS7110 Washer Bars & Brackets BS7110

Length - 7.625"
Height - 7.125"
Gillig Bus Charge Air Cooler Bracket

6 - 3/8" holes to attach frames on one side
5 - 3/8" holes to attach frames on the cut-out side (cut-out is to accommodate the CAC casting)
2 - 3/4" holes for isolation grommets
Boss to attach the cross bars
Shown here with air deflectors installed (sold separately) - part #BS073109B- 1 & #BS073109B-2

BS7111 Washer Bars & Brackets BS7111

Length - 48.00"
Gillig Bus Crossbar

1 - 3/8" diameter bar w/ 2" of 3/8" NC threads at each end

BS7114 Washer Bars & Brackets BS7114

Length - 19.00"
Width - 7.62"
Height - 7.12
Gillig Bus Charge Air Cooler Bracket

6 - 3/8" holes to attach frames on one side
5 - 3/8" holes to attach frames on the cut-out side (cut-out is to accommodate the CAC casting)
2 - 3/4" holes for isolation grommets
1 boss to attach the cross bars. Shown here with air deflectors installed (sold separately) - part #BS073109F- 1 & #BS073109F-2

BS7116 Washer Bars & Brackets BS7116

Length - 22.12"
12 Bolt Holes

Gillig Bus Washer Bar

BS7117 Washer Bars & Brackets BS7117

2.875" x 0.75"
Gillig Bus Bracket

This bracket is made of 14 guage steel 2 - bolt holes to attach to the header
2 - slotted holes

BS7118 Washer Bars & Brackets BS7118

Length - 7.625"
5 Bolt Holes

Gillig Bus Washer Bar

BS7119 Washer Bars & Brackets BS7119

Length - 7.625"
5 - 5/16" NC threaded bolt holes

Gillig Bus Threaded Washer Bar

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